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(780) 235-1787

Frequently Asked Questions

Unfortunately, fighting flab doesn't stop there. Here are some other things you can do to help cut and reduce the flab:

  • Change your diet appropriately:  For those with a high-salt diet (ex. from consuming fast foods often), you should consider drinking plenty of water and herbal teas (like African red tea or mint tea). This helps prevent salt from helping toxic elements bind to vital body tissues, causing it to appear flabby or bloated. Adding water and herbal tea can also speed up your metabolism, allowing your body to rid itself of the toxic elements that lead to excess flab.
  • Develop an exercise routine: Try incorporating cardio exercises, such as pilates and yoga into your exercise regime. In just six to eight weeks, you'll have transformed (and tightened) your inner/outer thighs, butt and waistline. 
  • Topical products and techniques: Use a coarse exfoliating scrub to increase circulation in your system. Increased circulation means a boost in the body’s oxygenation of the vital tissues, resulting in varying degrees of body toning and firming. Loofah body scrubs are recommended, and use them on damp skin, where the body has lost its tone. Use firm, circular motions on these areas, then rinse with cold water. Follow up with a moisturizing lotion that contains algae and peppermint to help improve circulation and to firm the body tissues. This should be done every night for noticeable results over time. 
    • African Red Tea Body Mask - This would be used twice a week, following using the loofah body scrub above. Apply African Red Tea Body Mask to troubled areas of your body, while laying on a bath towel for about 20 minutes as the mask works on firming your tissues. Finally, finish the treatment with a moisturizing lotion that contains algae and peppermint to the trouble areas.
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